61.   Military police with guard dogs prowled the area.

62.   Negele received special training with guard dogs at Sachsenhausen, the court found, adding that the Waffen SS trained dogs to attack prisoners when they tried to escape.

63.   No injuries were reported in the fire at Mercury Candle Co., but a guard dog was missing and feared dead.

64.   On Monday, police minister Moshe Shahal told parliament the border would be patrolled by guard dogs.

65.   She remembers watching one friend killed by a guard dog and another commit suicide by throwing herself onto electrified barbed-wire.

66.   She was accompanied by her German shepherd, who was trained as a guard dog in Germany and Hungary.

67.   The Culps have added floodlights outside their house and now send out their guard dog to patrol the property.

68.   The group was inside purchasing a guard dog.

69.   The rape victim was visiting two huts she had recently bought in Ta Kiu Tsuen to feed her guard dog on Saturday when she was attacked.

70.   They emerged beside a prison kennel, but there was no guard dog in it, Israel radio reported.

n. + dog >>共 270
sniffer 22.12%
search 7.81%
attack 7.40%
guard 6.66%
corn 2.30%
show 1.89%
rescue 1.73%
tracker 1.64%
puppy 1.56%
bomb 1.56%
guard + n. >>共 244
duty 8.16%
post 6.69%
dog 6.61%
position 6.28%
hostage 4.81%
rail 4.49%
tower 4.32%
spot 3.67%
unit 3.18%
play 2.61%
每页显示:    共 80