61.   Monday, Vice President Al Gore met with a dozen or so of the advocacy group leaders, and he plans to meet Wednesday with Valenti.

62.   Moe, the group leader and the most stable, was despondent that Columbia had brushed him aside.

63.   Ms. Van Winkle, the support group leader, said her examination was over almost before it started.

64.   Now the onetime gang member, tall and lanky with delicate features that disguise a hair-trigger temper, is a peer group leader.

65.   One of the biggest volunteer needs of the support organization is for group leaders, or facilitators, who must be breast cancer survivors who have completed their treatment.

66.   Other civic group leaders agreed that immediate prospects for moving the highway looked dim, though they said they hope the tide would turn in several years.

67.   Pannier, for one, spent less than two years as a coach before he was made group leader of Unitary Products.

68.   She is a member of the Exceptional Student Education Advisory Committee at school and a support group leader for the Tourette Syndrome Association in her area.

69.   So, many older people, from church group leaders to Sun City residents, are searching for a new way to define themselves.

70.   Some parent group leaders and educators say they worry that the welfare recipients would not be adequately trained or qualified to work with children.

n. + leader >>共 405
opposition 18.50%
rebel 10.85%
business 9.49%
world 5.93%
community 3.26%
government 3.05%
industry 2.47%
labor 2.27%
team 1.91%
faction 1.86%
group 0.79%
group + n. >>共 1107
member 6.83%
home 4.07%
leader 4.05%
match 3.36%
winner 3.18%
meeting 2.28%
game 2.01%
director 1.70%
plan 1.55%
play 1.46%
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