61.   The helicopters, for use against tanks, suggest a ground war more than an air war.

62.   The growing public acceptance of the possibility of a ground war contrasts with the mood when Clinton and NATO launched the air war two weeks ago.

63.   The issue is likely to come to a head when the NATO committee meets in Brussels to assess the air war and contemplate a ground war.

64.   The idea of committing U.S. troops to a ground war in the Balkans has thrown Congress into turmoil about what position to take.

65.   The Green Party, a key part of the coalition, adamantly opposed a ground war.

66.   The helicopter was preparing for search-and-rescue duty in neighboring Afghanistan, where Rangers have led the ground war against Taliban and terrorists targets.

67.   The province, whose center is the Plain of Jars, a constant battlefield of the ground war in Laos, was one of the most heavily bombed regions.

68.   The party has said it would oppose a ground war.

69.   The president has said he opposes a ground war in the Balkans but believes he should retain the power to deploy US forces without prior approval.

70.   The sporadic, mostly one-sided ground war along the northern Albanian border may not remain lopsided much longer.

n. + war >>共 590
guerrilla 13.12%
trade 11.57%
air 6.32%
drug 6.17%
turf 4.17%
gulf 3.48%
ground 2.99%
border 2.17%
culture 2.04%
propaganda 1.81%
ground + n. >>共 633
troop 19.37%
force 9.69%
rule 6.33%
beef 3.43%
controller 3.03%
attack 2.46%
stroke 2.41%
war 2.33%
game 2.08%
operation 1.69%
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