61.   Both Leeds players were cleared of causing grievous bodily harm to Sarfraz Najeib.

62.   Boxer Nigel Benn, former world middleweight and super-middleweight champion, was charged Thursday with grievous bodily harm in a nightclub incident in September.

63.   But the court found them guilty of causing grievous bodily harm by endangering traffic and sentenced them each to three months longer terms than prosecutors had demanded.

64.   But no verdicts were reached on the more serious charges of causing grievous bodily harm faced by Woodgate and Lee Bowyer.

65.   Chief prosecutor Wolfgang Reinicke said the four are charged with attempted murder and causing grievous bodily harm, plus causing serious disturbances.

66.   Clifford was found guilty of grievous bodily harm and affray and sentenced to six years in prison.

67.   Dressed in civilian clothes and with their heads closely shaven, the four burly men stood in the dock as the charges of grievous bodily harm were read.

68.   Gray was due to be charged with two counts of grievous bodily harm, including one count that he acted with intent to injure Watson.

69.   Haessig was also cleared of a charge of grievous bodily harm.

70.   He pleaded guilty to two rapes, four robberies, one attempted robbery and six charges of wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm.

a. + harm >>共 156
bodily 23.86%
grievous 11.19%
serious 7.31%
irreparable 5.07%
physical 5.07%
actual 4.33%
great 3.36%
potential 2.98%
economic 2.54%
environmental 2.01%
grievous + n. >>共 56
harm 56.60%
error 4.15%
injury 3.40%
mistake 3.40%
sin 2.64%
wound 2.26%
blow 1.89%
loss 1.89%
fault 1.13%
insult 1.13%
每页显示:    共 149