61.   However, the United Nations said Thursday that Croatian government forces were withdrawing from northern Bosnia in the face of stiff Bosnian Serb ground resistance and air attacks.

62.   In a related development, Religious Affairs Minister Shimon Shetreet said the government would withdraw funding from any Jewish seminary linked to incitement.

63.   In August, the government withdrew one of three properties on offer due to lack of interest.

64.   In the northwest, U.N. officials said government troops were withdrawing from around Bosanska Krupa, northeast of Bihac, where they had made significant gains in recent weeks.

65.   In the northwest, U.N. officials said government troops were withdrawing from around Bosanska Krupa, northeast of Bihac, where they made significant gains in recent weeks.

66.   In turn, UNITA threatened to suspend quartering all its troops in the Soyo region if the government did not withdraw from Sumba.

67.   Initially they demanded that the Socialist government withdraw a new tax law that sets a minimum rate that large landowners must pay.

68.   Initially the farmers demanded that the Socialist government withdraw a new tax law that sets a minimum rate that large landowners must pay.

69.   It is for the government to withdraw the draft and then work on a new one, if necessary, to be submitted later to the Lower House.

70.   Khomeini has since died, but the Iranian government has not withdrawn the sentence.

n. + withdraw >>共 474
troop 14.93%
force 8.92%
government 5.76%
company 3.58%
army 3.44%
party 2.32%
rebel 2.32%
police 2.18%
investor 1.90%
soldier 1.76%
government + v. >>共 732
say 7.34%
be 6.16%
have 3.74%
take 1.68%
announce 1.61%
plan 1.45%
try 1.45%
want 1.26%
make 1.24%
deny 1.19%
withdraw 0.16%
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