61.   He did not need to name his price for the support his government has already provided.

62.   He said that the entire congregation of the mosque had been told to attend the rally and that the government had provided transportation.

63.   He said the federal government provided some cash assistance last year to farmers impacted by the drought.

64.   He said the government would provide adequate assistance to Nissan and that he had not heard that the company was having difficulty raising funds.

65.   He said his body had called on the Chinese government to provide his staff with the necessary security to carry on its operations.

66.   He says that base closings are a must and that the government must provide proper health care for World War II veterans.

67.   He said he believed the government should provide support to the insurance industry rather than insurance itself.

68.   He was fuzzy on how states would pay for programs the federal government now provides.

69.   Hickok also said students would be better served if the federal government provided states with information about successful programs rather than prescribing them.

70.   However, that work cannot begin unless the federal government provides further help to finance the project.

n. + provide >>共 1658
company 4.80%
government 3.29%
law 1.57%
report 1.52%
program 1.33%
bill 1.32%
official 1.24%
agreement 1.18%
system 1.03%
state 0.96%
government + v. >>共 732
say 7.34%
be 6.16%
have 3.74%
take 1.68%
announce 1.61%
plan 1.45%
try 1.45%
want 1.26%
make 1.24%
deny 1.19%
provide 0.63%
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