61.   The new government also aims to strengthen relations with Russia, the Baltic states and the other Nordic countries.

62.   To ease the crisis, the government aims to demolish tens of thousands of illegal dwellings within two years.

63.   To implement the plan, the government aims to put new labor market legislation before parliament by April.

64.   He said the government should aim to remove obstacles to exports by appointing more specialists at the central bank, customs service and trade ministry.

65.   His right-wing government aims instead to propose a broad form of autonomy.

66.   Affifudin also said the government aimed to create an Islamic banking system running parallel to the conventional banking system.

67.   Bayumi said the government would aim to further boost exports next year by implementing measures set out in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, signed by Egypt.

68.   Tshwete said Monday that the government aimed to stabilise crime figures over the coming two years.

69.   Moratti said earlier that the government aimed to ensure that Italian students received an education and training comparable to their peers in other European states.

70.   Sacirbey explained his government was aiming to maintain the concept of a multi-ethnic Bosnia even if current conditions did not permit it.

n. + aim >>共 860
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government + v. >>共 732
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