61.   Gore aides said the voting problems in south Florida could well lead to lawsuits, combative talk that frightened many.

62.   Gore aides say Bush should be held to the same standard as Gore, who suffered through days of criticism for his own misstatements in the first campaign debate.

n. + aide >>共 139
campaign 28.45%
press 6.16%
gore 5.78%
security 5.50%
health 5.32%
administration 4.85%
staff 4.29%
leadership 3.92%
committee 3.73%
government 2.33%
gore + n. >>共 47
aide 20.20%
spokesman 18.89%
official 9.77%
supporter 9.12%
adviser 8.79%
lawyer 5.54%
chairman 3.26%
strategist 2.61%
partisan 2.28%
attorney 1.95%
每页显示:    共 62