61.   Two other projects completed during the Clinton administration focused on the mechanics of making germ weapons.

62.   Washington first made anthrax munitions in World War II, fearful that Tokyo and Berlin were making germ weapons.

63.   With no explosions or gunfire, germ weapons attack silently.

64.   Parties to the treaty should also pass national legislation to outlaw any production or stock piling of germ weapons by private groups or individuals, it said.

65.   Anthrax is considered the easiest germ weapon to make and use.

66.   Iran also denied recent U.S. charges that Cuba had supplied technology to help it develop germ weapons.

67.   Moreover, Bacon was talking about retaliation for an Iraqi first use of germ weapons.

68.   Protecting U.S. troops abroad from such germ weapons as anthrax has been a growing concern in recent years.

69.   The Bush administration is considering whether to restrict distribution of government documents that describe how to make germ weapons, White House officials said Sunday.

70.   The discovery of deadly bacteria stores at the same compound also raised fears the Aum Shinri Kyo group may have been preparing to try to make germ weapons.

n. + weapon >>共 263
assault 24.68%
murder 18.80%
germ 4.85%
laser 3.83%
destruction 2.46%
high-tech 2.46%
rebel 2.19%
service 1.50%
assault-style 1.23%
police 1.03%
germ + n. >>共 75
weapon 28.40%
attack 8.80%
bank 6.40%
program 6.40%
agent 2.80%
stockpile 2.80%
defense 2.40%
factory 2.00%
warrior 2.00%
weaponry 2.00%
每页显示:    共 71