61.   Music generates more cash than either publishing or movies and requires less investment than cable television.

62.   My companies typically generate cash.

63.   Next year, she said, the company should start to generate cash.

64.   Rather, the development shows that all three companies currently generate more cash than they need.

65.   So he wants a modern home to generate the cash that will let him vie for free agents.

66.   Some sold stocks of large companies to generate cash.

67.   Some see an effort by the Taliban to generate cash to meet an expected military invasion.

68.   Suffice to say that weight-management companies are generating serious cash, at least offline.

69.   State-owned National Development Corp. has been paring its ownership of the steel company to generate cash to reduce its debts.

70.   The acquired rigs will generate enough cash to pay off any debt Parker takes on to make the acquisition, analysts predict.

v. + cash >>共 398
raise 12.95%
have 7.29%
pay 6.31%
use 4.72%
get 3.15%
need 2.88%
generate 2.78%
take 2.27%
receive 2.07%
put 2.04%
generate + n. >>共 986
revenue 6.99%
electricity 4.00%
profit 3.24%
interest 2.94%
power 2.68%
income 2.47%
lot 2.03%
excitement 1.96%
cash 1.89%
controversy 1.75%
每页显示:    共 109