61.   If Bush is allowed to terminate the ABM Treaty, what is to stop future presidents from unilaterally taking America out of NATO or the United Nations?

62.   If that precedent sticks, any future president would be well advised to retain a private lawyer from the day he takes office.

63.   If Clinton can get away with this, any future president would be able to get away with anything.

64.   If they think she would be a threat to their causes as a liberal freshman senator, the thought of her as a future president must make them apoplectic.

65.   In Paris, he had been a roommate of Alan Garcia, a future president who hailed from the American Popular Revolutionary Alliance, known as APRA.

66.   In the story, too, are a future president, cops and a lot of money, curiosity and teen-agers.

67.   Is Israel now willing to share its survival decisions with future American presidents, or French presidents, or U.N. officials?

68.   It appears that future presidents are doomed to live with the two albatrosses of foreign affairs hanging heavily from their necks.

69.   It should be based on the assumption that the future president of this country is watching and listening.

70.   It would require an act of Congress to overturn the embargo, effectively preventing Clinton or any future president from acting alone on Cuba.

a. + president >>共 409
former 19.74%
new 8.33%
first 3.61%
next 2.95%
russian 2.41%
american 2.02%
yugoslav 1.99%
the 1.85%
french 1.76%
current 1.71%
future 0.77%
future + n. >>共 1250
state 3.22%
generation 2.31%
growth 1.75%
earnings 1.53%
plan 1.51%
government 1.40%
capital 1.36%
attack 1.06%
president 0.97%
development 0.96%
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