61.   Berlusconi denied it and last week agreed to the full list of crimes.

62.   By presenting its full list of candidates to the United Nations Monday night, the northern alliance galvanized the talks at a secluded hilltop hotel near Bonn, Germany.

63.   But they can obtain the full list from the banks and from contact centers.

64.   Ding was among relatives of people killed in the crackdown who petitioned the government this spring for a reckoning and a full list of the vicitims.

65.   Full lists and locations of polling stations for the election still were not advertised.

66.   He has insisted that Serbs violated the peace plan by failing to provide a full list of prisoners.

67.   He insisted earlier that Serbs had broken the peace plan by not providing a full list of prisoners.

68.   He said a full list would be published soon.

69.   He said the kidnappers had conveyed three verbal demands and would present a full written list that could include a ransom demand.

70.   In response to a subpoena that one committee issued seeking the full list of donors, the Clinton presidential foundation provided only some of the material demanded.

a. + list >>共 1022
disabled 18.67%
injured 12.27%
long 10.02%
wine 2.62%
growing 2.59%
shopping 2.40%
complete 1.66%
new 1.42%
wanted 1.20%
full 1.15%
full + n. >>共 1075
day 2.19%
year 2.08%
control 1.63%
season 1.47%
support 1.42%
strength 1.38%
swing 1.30%
recovery 1.26%
force 1.17%
range 1.16%
list 0.35%
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