61.   French foreign ministry spokesman Francois Rivasseau said French Foreign Minister Hubert Vedrine and German counterpart Joschka Fischer agreed the stance in telephone talks on Sunday.

62.   French foreign ministry spokesman Yves Doutriaux contended that the court was not authorized to rule on the New Zealand lawsuit.

63.   French foreign ministry spokesman Yves Doutriaux said France would take control of the airfield at Bukavu, the main town of South Kivu.

64.   French foreign ministry spokesman Yves Doutriaux said Paris had written to the Vienna-based agency this week asking it to appoint independent experts to monitor the tests.

65.   France is drafting legislation to ban the manufacture or export of anti-personnel mines, a French foreign ministry spokesman said here Thursday.

66.   French foreign ministry officials on Tuesday had no comment on the warning, which was seen here as a routine Chinese reaction.

67.   French foreign ministry spokesman Jacques Rummelhardt called for all sides to respect the safety of the civilian population.

68.   French foreign ministry spokesman Richard Duque said in Paris that US authorities had yet to confirm that the special status was granted to the French citizen.

69.   French foreign ministry spokesman Yves Doutriaux said Washington was in a minority of one over the issue.

70.   French foreign ministry spokeswoman Catherine Colonna said in Paris on Saturday that UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali had expressed support for the idea.

a. + ministry >>共 233
foreign 46.07%
interior 15.13%
french 2.83%
russian 2.37%
senior 1.95%
japanese 1.45%
turkish 1.26%
israeli 1.13%
chinese 1.07%
home 0.95%
french + n. >>共 1008
government 4.33%
official 2.71%
troop 2.03%
authority 2.02%
franc 1.87%
company 1.85%
soldier 1.54%
police 1.38%
team 1.37%
peacekeeper 1.10%
ministry 0.80%
每页显示:    共 284