61.   China first indicated in late July that Yang would be allowed to leave, but his formal application was initially rejected because of problems over sponsorship.

62.   Executive Secretary Ruben Torres said on Friday that Ver would have to file a formal application with the government if he wanted to end his exile.

63.   The Rugby Football Union said it would look at the possibility of a game if a formal application is received.

64.   They said South Korea has indicated it intends to put in its formal application for membership by the end of this year.

65.   Israeli authorities turned back Khaled at Allenby Bridge on Sunday, saying she had failed to submit a formal application to enter Israel.

66.   Klaus has announced that the formal application will be made in January.

67.   Poland and Hungary have already made formal applications to join the Union in the early part of next year.

68.   State police minister Paul Whelan said Bell had been charged under a provisional arrest warrant and that formal application for extradition would be made Monday.

69.   The countries that have already filed formal applications to join the EU are Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

70.   The lawyers filed a formal application to pull out of the case, which was accepted.

a. + application >>共 888
new 6.12%
practical 3.98%
patent 3.52%
commercial 2.57%
multimedia 2.55%
planning 2.23%
formal 2.00%
first 1.83%
potential 1.57%
military 1.54%
formal + n. >>共 728
announcement 3.81%
charge 3.46%
complaint 3.36%
investigation 3.03%
talk 2.56%
request 2.10%
protest 1.78%
agreement 1.78%
meeting 1.66%
peace 1.61%
application 0.59%
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