61.   Meanwhile, Napster has taken advantage of the extra time to forge more alliances with record companies.

62.   Microsoft, meanwhile, is forging alliances with cable companies, which are expected to be the most popular providers of high-speed access.

63.   Minutes later, Kennedy spontaneously echoed his conservative colleague, forging an alliance almost as rare as impeachment itself.

64.   NEC has consistently refused to sell PCs of the rival standard in Japan but now has forged an alliance with one of the largest producers of them.

65.   Nevertheless, although Shays has never been shy about challenging authority and defying party orthodoxy, he is bolder this year in forging alliances with Democrats.

66.   National EU governments have gradually opened air routes with the U.S. to enable their national carriers to forge alliances with U.S. carriers.

67.   Obuchi has forged alliances with the small Liberal Party and with various factions, and his political skills have helped him push a variety of economic measures into law.

68.   On Capitol Hill, elaborate regional alliances are being forged by representatives hoping to win more of the goodies for their home states.

69.   Now she is forging legislative alliances with some of the fiercest critics of the Clinton White House, like Sens. Arlen Specter and Orrin Hatch.

70.   Political alliances are forged not so much along ideological lines, but with business ties and power-sharing pacts.

v. + alliance >>共 403
join 11.35%
forge 8.96%
announce 4.55%
seek 4.18%
have 3.45%
form 2.66%
make 2.57%
create 2.30%
build 1.98%
expand 1.88%
forge + n. >>共 296
tie 11.06%
alliance 9.75%
link 6.30%
document 6.10%
agreement 5.90%
compromise 3.10%
partnership 2.80%
coalition 2.60%
relationship 2.45%
signature 2.45%
每页显示:    共 194