61.   And even though it takes place in the Bronx, for most theatergoers the setting will seem like a foreign country if not another planet.

62.   And look at the feelers they are getting to play soccer in foreign countries.

63.   And in foreign countries they love L.A. Sunset Strip.

64.   And knowing people in foreign countries ultimately pays off.

65.   And like many fans, Charles Reiley of Brooklyn suggested that the MetroStars would draw even more fans by bringing in players from foreign countries.

66.   And, Fritsch said, United States authorities in any case advise Americans against leaving their passports behind when they embark on travel in a foreign country.

67.   Any foreign country inspired by Republican assertions to think that the United States is not ready to defend itself, he said, would be making a grave mistake.

68.   Another problem, said Carney of the Marshals Service, occurs when a fugitive successfully applies for citizenship in a foreign country.

69.   Arafat and his aides have begun demanding more insistently since the latest violence that foreign countries follow through -- and soon -- on still-unfulfilled pledges of aid.

70.   Any mechanic who darted across for a wrench would technically be invading a foreign country containing a high-security prison.

a. + country >>共 454
the 15.05%
european 5.86%
arab 4.04%
asian 3.56%
african 3.24%
neighboring 2.51%
foreign 2.50%
western 2.42%
poor 1.82%
communist 1.59%
foreign + n. >>共 619
investor 9.09%
ministry 8.10%
investment 6.47%
company 4.04%
currency 3.03%
country 2.22%
bank 1.86%
government 1.71%
journalist 1.58%
worker 1.55%
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