61.   Formerly called Stanleyville, it was once known across Africa as a vibrant meeting spot for diamond runners, gold miners and foreign businessmen.

62.   Foreign businessmen are returning in larger numbers.

63.   Foreign businessmen complain that a general lack of international accounting standards makes it hard for them to assess the true financial condition of Vietnamese companies.

64.   Foreign businessmen resident in Vietnam have been increasingly negative in recent months as some approved projects have stalled and others have encountered crippling problems.

65.   Foreign businessmen say the Vietnamese partners often have no funds to invest and can only contribute land.

66.   He also praised the southeast African country for offering attractive investment conditions to foreign businessmen.

67.   He claimed an important political person was a foreign spy chief and a foreign businessman close to the former government was an arms dealer.

68.   He said the sport is becoming a useful way for foreign businessmen to build friendships with communist officials.

69.   Henning said it is essential that there are procedures, for example, for foreign businessmen to appeal a tax or to get a hearing.

70.   His idea was to create oases where foreign businessmen could feel at home.

a. + businessman >>共 710
local 5.15%
wealthy 4.72%
prominent 3.77%
american 3.72%
foreign 2.75%
successful 2.55%
malaysian 2.47%
japanese 2.42%
chinese 2.25%
german 2.17%
foreign + n. >>共 619
investor 9.09%
ministry 8.10%
investment 6.47%
company 4.04%
currency 3.03%
country 2.22%
bank 1.86%
government 1.71%
journalist 1.58%
worker 1.55%
businessman 0.25%
每页显示:    共 145