61.   Armoured vehicles ringed the library, their guns pointing up into the nearby front lines of the Bosnian Serb sector, and an anti-sniper force deployed around the building.

62.   Croatian Serb forces Monday deployed outside UN bases Monday in reponse to a NATO air strike earlier in the day on an airport in Serb-held Croatia.

63.   Despite the campaign many top Taliban and al-Qaeda members have eluded the US forces deployed in Afghanistan.

64.   The worst violence since autonomy was launched in May erupted outside a Gaza City mosque when worshippers stoned security forces deployed to prevent a planned HAMAS demonstration.

65.   The worst violence under Palestinian self-rule erupted outside a Gaza City mosque when worshippers stoned security forces deployed to prevent a planned HAMAS demonstration.

66.   Zardari has been kept in a police station, heavily guarded by security forces deployed in armoured vehicles.

67.   It was the sixth such skirmish since Sunday between the MILF and security forces deployed at the project site near Carmen town.

68.   It was the biggest illicit find by IFOR who controls all weaponry and military forces in Bosnia since NATO forces deployed in the Balkan republic.

69.   Meanwhile Interfax said security forces had deployed in Republic Square, where the government building is located, while armed civilians had also sealed off Opera Square.

70.   Members of the Rwandan government on Friday went to Gisenyi on the border to oversee the return of refugees, without waiting for the multinational force to deploy.

n. + deploy >>共 171
troop 12.44%
force 9.60%
police 8.41%
government 8.29%
army 7.23%
authority 5.57%
soldier 3.32%
peacekeeper 2.37%
military 2.25%
country 2.13%
force + v. >>共 622
be 11.83%
have 2.32%
take 2.23%
say 1.89%
launch 1.87%
fire 1.65%
continue 1.54%
attack 1.38%
kill 1.38%
capture 1.35%
deploy 0.40%
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