61.   But peasants in Guaviare complain the spraying also kills plantain, yucca, corn and other food crops, contaminates river water and causes rashes and breathing problems.

62.   Commendably, both organisations have formed a Joint Food Production Committee whereby expertise of its members are mobilised to cultivate food crops.

63.   Critics say the sprayings are also killing food crops, causing illnesses and leaving farmers with no other source of income.

64.   Currently, the land area devoted to food crops is small.

65.   Drought appears to be the only check on opium production, but it has also withered food crops Afghans need to survive.

66.   Farmers switched from mixed agriculture to mono-culture and no longer grew food crops for their own consumption.

67.   Food crops in all other areas were written off.

68.   For that reason, she doubts the autumn olive would ever catch on in the United States as a food crop.

69.   Foregoing a diversity of food crops, as other countries have experienced, is a lost opportunity.

70.   He said food crops such as peanuts, corn, fruits and vegetables had also been badly affected.

n. + crop >>共 241
bumper 15.31%
corn 7.97%
wheat 6.99%
drug 6.11%
soybean 5.33%
food 5.23%
rice 3.91%
spring 3.08%
cotton 2.74%
year 2.69%
food + n. >>共 604
shortage 7.18%
aid 7.11%
supply 5.43%
price 3.88%
company 3.00%
product 2.59%
industry 2.07%
production 1.90%
safety 1.39%
store 1.32%
crop 0.73%
每页显示:    共 106