61.   Security officers on a Chinese jetliner used their fists to foil an attempt to hijack the plane to Taiwan, Taiwanese and Hong Kong media reported Tuesday.

62.   The attempt apparently was foiled by wardens, who shot in the air to prevent the escape.

63.   The attempt was apparently foiled by wardens, who shot in the air to prevent the escape.

64.   The attempt was foiled by Islamic revolutionary guards, who are responsible for security on all Iranian flights.

65.   The Banharn government has resisted passing a money-laundering law, and foiled attempts at political reform.

66.   The alleged assassination attempt was foiled when he summoned a group of mayors by cellular phone, and they intervened, he said.

67.   The Bahrainis stepped up their pressure in a bid to level the game but their attempts were foiled by the veteran Kuwaiti defense.

68.   The Czechs tried to equalize, but stiff defending and dangerous attacks by Uruguay foiled their attempts.

69.   The officers also foiled an attempt to smuggle two containers full of finished umbrella frames, which the importer had falsely declared as a raw material.

70.   The Russian government has conceded that Iranians have tried to smuggle weapons technologies from Russia, but said all such attempts have been foiled.

v. + attempt >>共 566
make 21.13%
block 5.10%
resist 4.20%
reject 3.47%
foil 2.68%
fight 2.54%
oppose 2.40%
abandon 2.09%
thwart 2.04%
survive 1.50%
foil + n. >>共 165
attempt 18.65%
attack 12.71%
plan 11.72%
plot 10.40%
effort 3.63%
bid 1.65%
counterfeiter 1.49%
strategy 1.49%
coup 0.83%
move 0.83%
每页显示:    共 112