61.   If confirmed, the finding might lead to medications that help smokers cut back or quit.

62.   Its findings could lead to civil actions by Bloody Sunday campaigners against the former soldiers.

63.   Lipshultz said the findings could lead to the development of a vaccine to protect the heart against adenoviruses.

64.   Steinberg said his findings have led him to believe brokers tend to have more severe gambling problems than do their clients.

65.   Such a finding could lead to a reversal on appeal -- and a possible new trial -- if Simpson is convicted.

66.   That finding led to the development of polio vaccines.

67.   The findings lead scientists to conclude that the risk of human infection from milk is even more remote.

68.   The finding could lead researchers to seek genes linked to cataracts and develop genetic tests to identify those most at risk.

69.   The finding could lead to drugs to help cells resist aging.

70.   The finding could lead to new treatments for jet lag, insomnia and other sleep problems.

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finding + v. >>共 359
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