61.   And even if, I repeat their findings were valid, enough unchallengeable evidence would remain to make them immaterial.

62.   These findings are in line with those of smaller polls which have shown Labour opening up a small lead on the Conservatives.

63.   Where the findings are even more startling involves the social attitudes of young people.

64.   The findings were entirely consistent with organophosphorus poisoning.

65.   Its findings have already been challenged by several regional councils and by Professor Arthur Midwinter, of the Department of Politics at Strathclyde University.

66.   Child Care Director, Mike Jarmon, says the findings are deeply disturbing.

67.   Although radical mastectomies are rarely done today, experts say the Italian findings should be equally valid for patients treated with less extensive surgery.

68.   Also presented during the hearing were the findings of director of security for Major League Baseball, Kevin Hallinan, which stated there was insufficient security at Wrigley Field.

69.   Although the findings are likely to be closely examined and debated by observational astronomers, they are not completely unexpected.

70.   Although internal investigation findings are normally secret, Hyman said the Justice Department may issue public findings because of the high-profile nature of the case.

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