61.   It was found only after a thorough search of the building by investigators using a device that tracks down radio signals.

62.   Jourdan said authorities had believed the men were armed, but that no weapons were found after Junco was shot to death and Alvarez was taken into custody.

63.   Kupfer said he was surprised that a conclusive result could be found after only six months of follow-up.

64.   Meanwhile, Justice was nowhere to be found after the game, a fact that he apologized for Monday.

65.   NASA officials said that the erosion found after the test was within the range expected for an engine under development and would not slow the testing process.

66.   Mueller and other bureau officials discussed expanded use of polygraphs and other measures adopted as a result of embarrassing security lapses found after the Hanssen case.

67.   Music they would find after the game, when American and Cuban musicians performed at the Karl Marx Theater.

68.   On alleged aliens found after what was rumored to be a spaceship reportedly crashed near the Roswell, N.M., Army Air Force base.

69.   One day, she found him after a party in the study with a male student, both naked, locked in an embrace.

70.   One particular adjustment he notes is the freedom players find after the structured environment of college football.

v. + after >>共 936
come 7.80%
die 2.94%
say 2.67%
release 2.19%
leave 1.81%
speak 1.80%
arrest 1.55%
fall 1.48%
return 1.32%
rise 1.06%
find 0.32%
find + p. >>共 136
with 15.60%
near 8.59%
under 4.88%
inside 4.85%
among 4.40%
in 3.51%
during 3.37%
outside 3.14%
after 3.11%
as 2.58%
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