61.   He also has spoken with Ellen Miller, who heads Public Campaign, a Washington organization that has called for reforms in the campaign finance system.

62.   Gore said he wanted to meet with the famously independent governor not to seek his endorsement but to talk about how to overhaul the campaign finance system.

63.   Gore says that as president he would reform the campaign finance system.

64.   He argued that the problem was not in the campaign finance system, but in how the Democrats sought to evade the rules.

65.   He called for an overhaul of the campaign finance system, a massive effort to shore up Social Security and the elimination of the national debt.

66.   He said he favored an overhaul of the campaign finance system and would not take contributions from political action committees.

67.   He favored reform of the campaign finance system.

68.   He is the Senate leader on reforming the campaign finance system to ban unregulated contributions and political action committee donations.

69.   He said the Texas campaign finance system, which has no cap on contribution size, works just fine.

70.   He has nearly a lifelong experience dealing with special interests and has not only lived with but exploited aggressively the campaign finance system he acknowledges is so corrupt.

n. + system >>共 804
computer 5.46%
school 2.85%
defense 2.63%
missile 2.33%
justice 2.00%
pressure 1.82%
tax 1.74%
security 1.68%
cable 1.60%
control 1.49%
finance 0.56%
finance + n. >>共 430
minister 30.46%
reform 10.78%
ministry 6.97%
official 5.25%
law 4.18%
director 2.33%
system 2.29%
legislation 2.07%
committee 1.47%
sector 1.01%
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