61.   As a result, the Clinton administration filed several lawsuits against alleged violators, including units of Atlanta-based Southern Co.

62.   As lawsuits are filed, other parties will try to join and may be denied.

63.   ASTA has threatened to file a lawsuit against the airlines, charging that the commission cut constitutes illegal price fixing.

64.   As we know, any old kidney pie can file a lawsuit.

65.   At least King could file a lawsuit.

66.   At least one Commonwealth Edison customer was angry enough to file a lawsuit.

67.   At least two other women accused Bennett of harassment, with one also filing a lawsuit.

68.   At issue is who can be sued, where the lawsuits are filed and limits on damages.

69.   At least one company, Pac-West Telecomm, plans to ask the PUC to intervene and has already filed a lawsuit against Pac Bell.

70.   At least one German attorney for Holocaust survivors said on Thursday that opportunities to file lawsuits still remained.

v. + lawsuit >>共 327
file 43.02%
settle 6.13%
dismiss 3.66%
drop 2.96%
bring 2.91%
face 2.78%
see 2.07%
win 1.80%
pursue 1.28%
join 1.19%
file + n. >>共 230
charge 16.32%
lawsuit 15.33%
suit 14.70%
complaint 9.95%
appeal 4.08%
motion 3.15%
report 2.99%
claim 2.73%
petition 2.16%
paper 1.88%
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