61.   The military from nearby bases also rushed to fight the guerrillas.

62.   The PKK is also illegal in Turkey where authorities are fighting Kurdish guerrillas in the southeastern part of the country, spilling over into Iraq.

63.   The president has asked Congress to remove restrictions that prevent Colombia from using helicopters and other U.S. anti-drug aid to fight leftist guerrillas.

64.   The PKK is also illegal in Turkey where authorities are fighting Kurdish guerrillas.

65.   The Turks have long experience fighting Turkish guerrillas in terrain similar to Afghanistan.

66.   The strikes were directed at troops fighting guerrillas of the Kosovo Liberation Army, but Yugoslav artillery continued to fire.

67.   The Sri Lankan army generally follows conventional methods of war by fighting the guerrillas in ground battles.

68.   The strikes were directed against forces fighting guerrillas of the Kosovo Liberation Army, but Yugoslav artillery continued to fire despite the bombing.

69.   The strikes were directed against Serb forces fighting guerrillas of the pro-independence Kosovo Liberation Army.

70.   The strikes were directed against Serb forces fighting guerrillas of the pro-independence Kosovo Liberation Movement.

v. + guerrilla >>共 296
kill 25.47%
fight 5.00%
support 2.58%
blame 2.47%
accuse 2.36%
wound 2.15%
arm 2.04%
train 1.88%
attack 1.56%
battle 1.40%
fight + n. >>共 724
war 6.88%
terrorism 5.83%
crime 3.11%
battle 3.02%
fire 2.77%
way 2.76%
extradition 2.16%
rebel 2.10%
corruption 2.09%
force 2.04%
guerrilla 0.73%
每页显示:    共 92