61.   FARC rebels still claim to be Marxists and have been fighting successive governments to demand a leftward shift in policies.

62.   FARC is the largest of several guerrilla groups which have fought the government for decades.

63.   Hard-line Khmer Rouge forces still are fighting the government.

64.   He denied reports that hundreds of disgruntled MNLF fighters already have defected to the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, the larger of two Muslim groups still fighting the government.

65.   He said his aim was to draw attention to conditions in his Algerian homeland, where Islamic insurgents are fighting the government.

66.   His support for a peaceful solution in Macedonia, where ethnic Albanian rebels have been fighting the government, has won him points with the West.

67.   However, two smaller rebel groups are still fighting the government in the south.

68.   Hutu rebels are fighting his government.

69.   Human rights activists have accused the Indonesian armed forces of killings, torture and illegal imprisonments in East Timor where separatist rebels are fighting the government.

70.   Hutu rebels fighting the government have often turned guns against Hutu civilians for failing to provide shelter, money and men to the rebel ranks.

v. + government >>共 708
accuse 10.94%
criticize 3.91%
overthrow 3.61%
say 2.62%
topple 2.48%
join 1.86%
support 1.60%
blame 1.59%
form 1.59%
fight 1.53%
fight + n. >>共 724
war 6.88%
terrorism 5.83%
crime 3.11%
battle 3.02%
fire 2.77%
way 2.76%
extradition 2.16%
rebel 2.10%
corruption 2.09%
force 2.04%
government 1.85%
每页显示:    共 236