61.   The researchers hope that one day neurons for transplantation may be removed from dead donors rather than from fetal tissue as is now the practice.

62.   The use of fetal tissue is not new in medicine.

63.   This involves the development of a vaccine for chicken pox, which came from aborted fetal tissue.

64.   Under the law, clinics and doctors may charge reasonable fees for the fetal tissue removal and shipment to research entities, such as universities and drug companies.

65.   President Bush has signaled he may block federal financing for research that uses fetal tissue.

66.   -- Eliminate taxpayer-funded abortions and fetal tissue research.

67.   Abortion opponents have also expressed concern that some clinics may perform unsafe procedures on women if it means a better chance of salvaging fetal tissue.

68.   An Arizona law prohibiting the use of fetal tissue in medical research has been found unconstitutional by a federal judge.

69.   Anti-abortion advocates also want a ban on federal funding for research involving fetal tissue or the destruction of human embryos, including stem cell research.

70.   And the use of embryos and fetal tissue is extremely controversial.

a. + tissue >>共 430
soft 6.98%
human 5.87%
fetal 5.44%
healthy 3.52%
surrounding 3.09%
new 2.41%
fatty 2.35%
normal 2.22%
dead 1.85%
ovarian 1.67%
fetal + n. >>共 104
tissue 21.41%
cell 15.09%
development 9.49%
pig 3.65%
growth 2.68%
brain 2.19%
monitor 1.95%
surgery 1.70%
viability 1.46%
death 1.46%
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