61.   An emergency cross-ticketing agreement between Eurotunnel and British ferry company P and O has been extended to include Stena Line.

62.   Animal rights protests have forced ferry companies who carry animals across the English channel to refuse to carry livstock.

63.   British ferry company P and O said Tuesday it was looking to axe three links from British ports to the Netherlands which were not profitable enough.

64.   Channel ferry companies are locked in a price war and competition from the new tunnel is merely marginal, managers of the Sealink ferry company said here on Friday.

65.   Ferry companies said there was no trouble with fans crossing the Channel.

66.   The Swedish shipping and ferry company Stena Line reported a slump into loss in the first nine months of the year and blamed competition from the Channel Tunnel.

67.   The results were published as Eurotunnel suspended debt interest payments because of a cash crisis which it blamed on price-cutting and duty free sales by ferry companies.

68.   The two ferry companies will form a joint operation which will compete more strongly with the Tunnel, P and O said.

69.   The Tallink, a car ferry belonging to the Tallink ferry company, was at midday Saturday being towed into the Helsinki port, a Tallink official said.

70.   Three years ago the government blocked a proposed merger between the two leading ferry companies on the grounds that it would be anti-competitive.

n. + company >>共 616
oil 7.16%
tobacco 4.21%
phone 4.02%
drug 3.30%
telephone 3.20%
technology 2.72%
software 2.45%
telecommunication 2.34%
construction 2.13%
service 2.10%
ferry 0.18%
ferry + n. >>共 166
service 24.55%
company 7.97%
terminal 5.43%
operator 5.34%
boat 4.26%
ride 3.89%
traffic 2.90%
disaster 2.90%
crossing 2.63%
passenger 2.26%
每页显示:    共 87