61.   One of the concerns all along by the PGA Tour was that a favorable ruling for Martin would open up an unenforceable can of worms.

62.   Prices turned mostly higher on Wall Street today after a favorable Supreme Court ruling lifted tobacco stocks.

63.   Prices were mostly higher on Wall Street today after a favorable Supreme Court ruling lifted tobacco stocks.

64.   Senior U.S. trade officials had hailed the initial favorable ruling as a victory in the largest case in dollar terms the United States had brought before the WTO.

65.   The company said it expects the spinoff to be tax-free, subject to a favorable ruling by the Internal Revenue Service.

66.   The favorable ruling was made by Ronald Gilman, an attorney from Memphis, Tennessee, who listened to testimony for eight hours.

67.   The FCC still needs a favorable ruling from the court for the auction to go forward.

68.   The spin-off requires shareholder approval and a favorable ruling from the IRS.

69.   The Americans replied that such a waiver was outside the field of the agreement and they could not guarantee a favorable ruling.

a. + ruling >>共 385
final 10.99%
new 5.66%
earlier 4.76%
recent 3.87%
favorable 2.81%
such 2.57%
preliminary 2.24%
previous 2.12%
unanimous 2.00%
latest 1.95%
favorable + n. >>共 429
weather 6.33%
treatment 4.80%
condition 4.24%
term 3.83%
review 3.79%
tax 2.86%
ruling 2.78%
report 1.90%
impression 1.73%
light 1.65%
每页显示:    共 69