61.   That may have been a good move, especially if absence makes the heart grow fonder and familiarity breeds contempt.

62.   The campaigns are indicative of a widespread belief among agency executives that stereotyped characters and situations are useful devices because familiarity breeds contentment among consumers.

63.   The creative cabal at ABC is investing large sums in your memory bank this fall, hoping that familiarity will breed contentment.

64.   The familiarity has bred contempt.

65.   Then there is the old theory that familiarity breeds contempt.

66.   Then the Challenger disaster put piloted space flight on hold for more than two years and raised questions about whether familiarity had bred complacency and carelessness.

67.   They are Big Ten Conference rivals, but in the case of Wisconsin and Purdue, familiarity breeds hostility, not contempt.

68.   This is the kind of off-the-wall comedy in which familiarity eventually breeds a certain weariness.

69.   We spoke little because he was watching, and familiarity bred fistfights.

n. + breed >>共 306
familiarity 12.94%
mosquito 8.24%
success 5.21%
animal 1.51%
violence 1.34%
scientist 1.34%
system 1.18%
researcher 1.18%
closure 1.01%
people 1.01%
familiarity + v. >>共 51
breed 42.31%
be 16.48%
make 5.49%
help 3.30%
have 2.75%
come 1.10%
give 1.10%
extend 1.10%
mean 1.10%
nurture 1.10%
每页显示:    共 77