61.   The bill seeks to use federal aid to help improve failing schools and includes major reading and student grant programs.

62.   The bills were passed as part of a package that aims to identify and help failing schools.

63.   The legislation immediately drew criticism from the field for its call to test children each year and to divert federal funds from failing schools to private schools.

64.   The plan also proposes taking money from failing schools and giving it to families for tutoring programs.

65.   Vinroot has proposed a voucher system that would give students in failing schools state help to attend private schools.

66.   Unlike her rival for the GOP nomination, Texas Gov. George W. Bush, Dole did not spell out exactly how she would leverage federal dollars against failing schools.

67.   Without using the word voucher, he said they would come into play only after three years of trying to improve failing schools through added resources and technical assistance.

v. + school >>共 860
attend 14.20%
close 7.29%
leave 5.99%
visit 2.93%
build 2.14%
enter 2.08%
start 2.06%
run 1.89%
improve 1.64%
quit 1.41%
fail 0.87%
fail + n. >>共 296
test 29.17%
school 5.62%
physical 4.61%
inspection 2.68%
exam 2.68%
health 2.51%
child 1.68%
time 1.68%
class 1.59%
student 1.51%
每页显示:    共 67