61.   Local, state and congressional officials of the Mexican government also express opposition, while members of the Zedillo administration are either neutral or cautiously support the facility.

62.   Leaders of the Christian Democrats has also expressed their opposition to granting asylum to the Haitian military leaders.

63.   Leading Republicans had already expressed opposition to the proposal.

64.   Many of the town business owners expressed opposition, fearing that new hotels and restaurants would siphon off business from them.

65.   Many Republican moderates from the New York metropolitan area represent districts where voters have supported Clinton in past elections and have expressed firm opposition to impeachment.

66.   Many say a borough plan needs further study or express outright opposition.

67.   Members of the two subcommittees, most of whom represent western states, appeared eager to express their opposition to the Sierra Club proposal.

68.   Military commanders have not publicly expressed opposition to Sezer.

69.   Most European allies also have expressed opposition to an attack against Iraq.

70.   Netanyahu, on CNN International, expressed continued opposition to a Palestinian state.

v. + opposition >>共 741
face 13.00%
express 5.36%
voice 3.95%
drop 2.97%
lead 2.89%
draw 2.50%
reiterate 2.15%
meet 2.14%
accuse 1.84%
encounter 1.59%
express + n. >>共 264
concern 19.92%
interest 7.28%
hope 4.78%
support 4.54%
confidence 4.41%
regret 2.88%
doubt 2.88%
fear 2.60%
reservation 2.51%
optimism 2.09%
opposition 1.22%
每页显示:    共 319