61.   The United Nations could not erect enough tents for all the arrivals.

62.   The UNHCR rushed to erect tents on the airfield and get food convoys to the area, while U.N. soldiers distributed sleeping bags, water and pre-packaged rations.

63.   The UNHCR erected tents on the airfield and rushed to get food in, while peacekeepers distributed sleeping bags, water and packaged rations.

64.   This reporter found Doctors Without Borders and Red Cross teams wrestling with wind-whipped canvas, trying to erect more tents for the quickening flow of new arrivals.

65.   UNITA soldiers were not sure they were doing the right thing as they erected the tents.

66.   Underlining their plans for a long standoff, some marchers brought backpacks with sleeping bags, rain gear and food and erected tents in the fields around Drumcree.

67.   UNHCR erected tents on the airfield and rushed to get food in, while peacekeepers distributed sleeping bags, water and packaged rations.

68.   UNITA soldiers were not so sure they were doing the right thing as they erected the tents supplied by the United States and South Africa.

69.   Voting tents were erected in desert outposts or in cemeteries for those taking part in the Friday ritual of visiting family graves.

70.   In last-minute campaigning, candidates and their supporters put up banners and erected tents outside the schools where the voting was taking place.

v. + tent >>共 186
set_up 18.40%
pitch 15.57%
erect 10.14%
fold 3.42%
use 2.12%
put_up 2.00%
make 1.77%
have 1.65%
leave 1.65%
enter 1.42%
erect + n. >>共 283
barricade 12.51%
barrier 8.98%
tent 6.60%
roadblock 5.07%
fence 4.07%
monument 3.07%
statue 2.76%
wall 2.53%
memorial 2.15%
building 2.15%
每页显示:    共 85