61.   Yurvati said that became clear when Holt entered the hospital, and a little girl became concerned that Santa was sick.

62.   Yeltsin entered the hospital last weekend for what officials said would be a few days, but his stay has already been extended three times.

63.   Police have taken a Ugandan man into custody for deportation after entering a hospital and seizing the psychiatric patient.

64.   President Fidel Ramos entered a hospital for routine tests Tuesday and was pronounced healthy but fatigued.

65.   People entering the hospital walked through the line with no apparent problem.

66.   Police entered a hospital and seized a Ugandan man who was a psychiatric patient, taking him into custody for deportation.

67.   Pope John Paul II braved a brisk wind and rain Wednesday to make one of his last public appearances before entering the hospital for an appendectomy next week.

68.   A crowd of Socialist party supporters clapped and cheered when he entered the hospital on Thursday morning and when he left it to return home.

69.   A royal court statement issued earlier Monday said the king entered the hospital after suffering from a gall bladder infection.

70.   A week after entering the hospital she underwent angioplasty to remove blockages from two arteries.

v. + hospital >>共 422
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hospital 0.85%
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