61.   As a result of such legal problems, the campaign is focusing in part on enforcing the laws on child restraints.

62.   As a result, federal and state officials plan a long campaign of enforcing laws requiring adults to wear seat belts and children to be secured in child seats.

63.   As for possession of narcotics, police are allowed a wide degree of discretion in enforcing the law.

64.   As Americans file their tax returns this year, they are dealing with a tax collection agency that has been significantly hobbled in its ability to enforce the laws.

65.   Argos, the largest cement group in Colombia, lacked approval from the Superintendent of Industry and Commerce, which must enforce anti-monopoly laws.

66.   As important as new legislation, I think, is building a sense of urgency into enforcing the law.

67.   As president of the police board, TR set out to enforce the law even though he personally thought it was too strict.

68.   As for enforcing the law, the INS has been overwhelmed by an increasing influx of foreign visitors and settlers, legal and illegal.

69.   Ashcroft, the lone Bush Cabinet appointee still awaiting Senate confirmation, has been criticized for failing to enforce civil rights laws while governor and attorney general of Missouri.

70.   Ashcroft vowed during his confirmation hearings that he would enforce the law as attorney general, including laws that he had battled to change.

v. + law >>共 518
violate 9.53%
pass 9.12%
break 6.53%
enforce 5.17%
change 4.12%
have 3.37%
enact 2.36%
practice 2.01%
use 1.65%
repeal 1.52%
enforce + n. >>共 429
law 22.40%
rule 8.67%
ban 5.31%
regulation 4.04%
sanction 2.07%
order 2.00%
peace 1.92%
policy 1.92%
agreement 1.82%
embargo 1.64%
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