61.   The White House has been sending mixed signals, stating objections to the bill while emphasizing that Clinton wants to enact welfare reform.

62.   They enacted that reform last year, shortly after The Star published its findings.

63.   This month, Gertz enacted reforms more radical than any tried before.

64.   Under this procedure, the group said, the public could petition the Legislature to enact reforms.

65.   When the House of Representatives takes up campaign finance reform in the coming weeks, we will have our best chance in decades to enact real reform.

66.   When the nation enacted welfare reform, it did so in a blind anger over assumed laziness.

67.   With solid proposals from the president and Breaux, there is no excuse for failing to enact Medicare reforms this year.

68.   Yet there is no consensus whatsoever about how all the deceit and corruption occur in Washington, which interests benefit and how to enact reform.

69.   A senior International Monetary Fund official returned to Moscow on Friday to press Russia to enact economic reforms that were demanded in exchange for a huge international loan.

70.   Also Monday, a spokesman for the government said Habibie would order new parliamentary elections as soon as sweeping political reforms are enacted.

v. + reform >>共 551
implement 6.10%
introduce 3.08%
need 3.00%
support 2.75%
demand 2.49%
enact 2.48%
make 2.12%
promise 1.91%
carry 1.87%
discuss 1.85%
enact + n. >>共 177
law 25.46%
legislation 13.83%
reform 7.98%
measure 4.27%
bill 3.65%
change 2.83%
rule 2.14%
ban 2.14%
restriction 2.07%
policy 1.76%
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