61.   Civil liberties attorneys justifiably are scratching their heads at that one, but evidence is mounting that employers have no intention of relaxing restrictions.

62.   Dean Fryer, spokesman for the state Department of Industrial Relations, said employers have an obligation to pay their employees even if the company goes bankrupt.

63.   Despite a simpler federal system, employers still had to make quarterly payments in most states.

64.   Do employers have the right to punish a worker who has e-mail or opens a Web page with content someone else finds objectionable?

65.   Does your employer have to pay you for the extra time it would take you to drive to your destination?

66.   Do employers have any obligation to provide workers like my daughter with health coverage?

67.   Doctors could recommend work restrictions or reassignments for employees, and the employer would normally have to follow these recommendations.

68.   Employers are having trouble finding workers, particularly for low-wage jobs.

69.   Employers may have to adjust their work standards case by case.

70.   Employers have an obligation to send immigrants back to their place of origin, said Jacob Monty, an immigration lawyer in Houston who represents employers.

n. + have >>共 1318
company 3.47%
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people 1.78%
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player 0.88%
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employer 0.13%
employer + v. >>共 669
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have 6.18%
pay 3.43%
say 3.05%
offer 2.93%
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want 1.89%
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