61.   But they emerged after about a half-hour saying they had been unable to see him.

62.   Conflicting reports emerged about what OAU officials described as a heavy exchange of gunfire between the assailants and Ethiopian and Egyptian security forces.

63.   Concerns had already emerged about whether Sarajevo can support the meeting of donor and eight Balkan nations aimed at giving a push to rebuilding the war-battered region.

64.   Despite the tough rhetoric shared by all, differences emerged about the future of the fighting.

65.   Details emerge about mistreatment of prisoners.

66.   Dealers were pessimistic about the immediate prospects for the market, with fears further bad news is yet to emerge about the Hong Kong economy.

67.   Doubts emerged about whether Boutros-Ghali even would be able to meet Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic, as planned.

68.   Details also emerged about the makeup of the new Politburo, which unofficial reports have said will add three seats, including one more for the security forces.

69.   Doubts emerged about a meeting with Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic.

70.   Fresh reports emerged about how they lived as students among unsuspecting Germans.

v. + about >>共 655
ask 15.76%
say 7.26%
tell 6.83%
do 4.60%
lie 3.00%
read 2.81%
feel 2.81%
make 1.87%
warn 1.59%
have 1.40%
emerge 0.28%
emerge + p. >>共 86
as 45.25%
in 17.47%
with 7.12%
on 3.73%
of 2.46%
at 2.44%
for 2.00%
after 1.97%
over 1.86%
about 1.60%
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