61.   No taxis or other vehicles were allowed to stop or park close to the embassy building.

62.   None of the students came close to the main embassy building which was guarded by U.S. marines, they said.

63.   One struggled briefly with a guard who grabbed him, but broke free and ran with the others into the main embassy building.

64.   Other U.S. diplomats were blocked from returning to the main embassy building, Palmer said.

65.   Police said security was further increased in Athens Sunday at embassy buildings as well as at American and British companies and other potential terrorist targets.

66.   Police said the five were allowed to move freely through the embassy building but the standoff continued into the early hours of Wednesday.

67.   Police said the five were allowed to move freely through the embassy building but the standoff showed no signs of ending late Tuesday.

68.   Police said the five were allowed to move freely through the embassy building, but the standoff showed no signs of ending late Tuesday.

69.   Police intervened after students began throwing balls filled with paint at the embassy building.

70.   Police stood in cordons at least six people deep in front of the main embassy building to keep crowds back.

n. + building >>共 813
office 18.62%
government 14.60%
parliament 5.31%
school 4.17%
brick 2.50%
embassy 1.91%
court 1.81%
administration 1.52%
three-story 1.42%
settlement 1.24%
embassy + n. >>共 278
official 25.58%
spokesman 13.35%
staff 6.26%
compound 5.44%
building 4.05%
bombing 4.05%
employee 3.25%
spokeswoman 2.26%
statement 1.97%
residence 1.95%
每页显示:    共 151