61.   That protocol would outline the commitment of WTO members to eliminating tariffs on information technology by a specified deadline.

62.   The agreement aims to stimulate trade, investment and other economic cooperation by eliminating tariffs and giving visa-free status to government officials and businesspeople.

63.   The agreement extends to Mexican alcoholic beverages and spirits because of the North American Free Trade Agreement, which eliminated tariffs on Mexican tequila and mezcal entering the U.S.

64.   The bloc will eliminate internal tariffs and set a common tariff for external imports.

65.   The garment industry has boomed in Cambodia in recent years after the United States granted Cambodia trade privileges that lower or eliminate tariffs on many U.S.-bound exports.

66.   The decision to eliminate the tariff ahead of schedule was seen as promoting the entry of private gas transport companies into Mexico.

67.   The long-distance companies filed suit, claiming that the commission exceeded its authority in completely eliminating the tariffs.

68.   The Philippine government has agreed in principle to sign an international agreement to eliminate tariffs on many computer-related products.

69.   The two leaders are expected to consider lowering or eliminating tariffs for a wide range of goods, she said.

70.   The United States and Japan need to settle their dispute over semiconductors before major trading nations can eliminate tariffs in information technology, a European official said Saturday.

v. + tariff >>共 183
impose 16.07%
reduce 10.26%
lower 9.47%
eliminate 6.76%
raise 5.73%
cut 3.66%
pay 2.55%
slap 2.39%
increase 2.31%
slash 1.83%
eliminate + n. >>共 1635
need 6.44%
job 3.31%
weapon 3.26%
problem 1.82%
team 1.78%
program 1.38%
risk 1.29%
possibility 1.27%
barrier 1.18%
tariff 1.16%
每页显示:    共 85