61.   Their efforts helped New York City become a major commercial center and seaport.

62.   Their efforts helped push Boston into the lead for a good portion of the second quarter.

63.   Their efforts helped to keep a proposed oil pipeline from crossing the barrio.

64.   These efforts can help a plant produce twice as many seeds as it would on its own.

65.   These efforts will help.

66.   They would be unlikely to succeed, but the effort could help Mitchell in two ways.

67.   They had to rely on assistance from the state, the military and grassroots volunteer efforts helped them rescue victims, provide relief and maintain order.

68.   Those efforts did not help and the man was pronounced dead.

69.   Those efforts have helped boost the bottom line.

70.   Those efforts have helped counter Democratic assertions that he uses the committee to do favors for banks and securities firms that give him large campaign contributions, analysts say.

n. + help >>共 1529
government 1.38%
program 1.12%
money 1.11%
rate 1.05%
dollar 0.99%
move 0.96%
company 0.83%
group 0.62%
system 0.62%
technology 0.59%
effort 0.46%
effort + v. >>共 730
be 30.44%
fail 6.43%
continue 3.56%
begin 2.18%
have 1.98%
go 1.73%
come 1.64%
pay_off 1.64%
help 1.59%
make 1.50%
每页显示:    共 116