61.   The song was not an easy sell at first.

62.   They have been an easy sell, in other words, over these past three Franchione seasons.

63.   This was not an easy sell for most of them, who like Elizabeth Dole have independent careers of their own.

64.   Those inside Fleet say this was no easy sell.

65.   To many, it has been an easy sell.

66.   When the two teamed up to start Agillion, it was an easy sell for investors.

67.   While the honeymoon ended for techno-centric money managers, their marketers still seem to be enjoying a surprisingly easy sell.

68.   While the leadership compound remains a cherished retreat of top officials, Beidaihe is not an easy sell for paying clients.

69.   Zogby is spreading that story about Lieberman over and over here, but he said it is not an easy sell among Arab-Americans and Muslims.

70.   It is not an easy sell.

a. + sell >>共 120
tough 42.08%
easy 11.01%
harder 6.18%
tougher 4.98%
computer-guided 3.47%
difficult 2.11%
easier 1.96%
big 1.51%
high 1.36%
hard 1.06%
easy + n. >>共 1261
way 6.03%
access 5.48%
target 4.62%
task 4.47%
part 2.88%
victory 2.83%
answer 2.50%
one 2.17%
time 2.00%
money 1.69%
sell 0.83%
每页显示:    共 73