61.   They will also earn income to spend on goods that other workers must be hired to produce.

62.   They love the game, enjoy the camaraderie and earn generous incomes.

63.   This means banks can earn income on these reserves which are currently deposited in a non-interest bearing account at the central bank.

64.   They used the property part-time as their own private hunting preserves and earned some income from cutting timber.

65.   This is not always the case, however, as some women earn larger incomes than their spouses.

66.   TIAA is looking for properties earning income and that can be renovated or marketed aggressively to increase their value.

67.   To ease the burden on low-income Americans, taxpayers would receive a family allowance that would let them earn some income tax-free.

68.   Under the present system, the only way most taxpayers can pay less federal income tax is to earn less income, Hamond said.

69.   We do not go to work only to earn an income, but to find meaning in our lives.

70.   We must stop the harshest forms of exploitation without denying indigent children opportunities to earn income from legitimate labor.

v. + income >>共 358
supplement 7.12%
generate 6.14%
have 5.93%
earn 4.52%
boost 3.80%
increase 3.58%
provide 3.03%
raise 2.47%
receive 2.30%
reduce 2.22%
earn + n. >>共 746
money 9.99%
degree 5.01%
living 4.90%
reputation 4.63%
respect 3.59%
doctorate 2.88%
right 2.81%
point 2.68%
spot 2.47%
profit 2.34%
income 1.40%
每页显示:    共 105