61.   That means you can do the search off line and then just log on to the service and download the file.

62.   That means you can download a file from CompuServe while writing a letter on your word processor.

63.   The defense argues that Lee downloaded the files after computer crashes at Los Alamos, and later destroyed the seven tapes that are now missing.

64.   The files are downloaded to the watch from a PC.

65.   The group, which calls itself the al Qaeda Alliance and opposes the U.S. effort in Afghanistan, downloaded internal files and vandalized three major Web sites.

66.   The most secure level, and the one used most often in e-book sales, allows users to download files only after registering their computers with Microsoft.

67.   The product is designed to link directly to the Internet for downloading music files or for playing Internet radio.

68.   The result is a program called WebArranger, which keeps a list of contacts, tracks to-dos, launches Web sites, reads newsgroups and downloads files.

69.   The program, while functioning as an online media browser, can also record personal CDs and download music files to digital audio players.

70.   The simple Napster software lets users select an artist and download a file directly from any other user who is logged on at the same time.

v. + file >>共 433
open 4.86%
download 3.71%
have 3.22%
delete 3.02%
save 2.72%
include 2.57%
keep 2.45%
transfer 2.22%
send 1.99%
review 1.95%
download + n. >>共 223
file 8.96%
software 8.86%
music 7.57%
information 6.09%
song 5.17%
program 5.08%
datum 3.79%
image 2.86%
copy 2.86%
material 2.59%
每页显示:    共 97