61.   He also said the United States would have to raise the level of domestic savings.

62.   He pointed to a shortage of domestic savings as a key hindrance to an ambitious target of nine percent annual growth over the next five years.

63.   He said markets that were open to foreign goods and investment enjoyed more effecient resource allocation and increased domestic savings.

64.   He said markets that were open to foreign goods and investment enjoyed more effectient resource allocation and increased domestic savings.

65.   High levels of domestic savings, the Japanese trade surplus and the financial strength of overseas Chinese networks have buoyed the development of local markets, Gyohten said.

66.   However, Freeland said the major soft spot in the economy is the low level of domestic savings, which is reflected in the stubbornly high current account deficit.

67.   Internal trade and domestic savings should be encouraged as products for export and the influx of foreign capital were still limited.

68.   Export earnings and domestic savings have been insufficient to cover imports and high investment levels, leading to dependency on foreign capital inflows.

69.   The reform is aimed at increasing domestic savings and investment and a further liberalization of the exchange and trade system.

70.   To encourage development of domestic capital and financial markets, policies needed to promote domestic savings and expand the domestic investor base.

a. + saving >>共 396
personal 5.18%
domestic 4.05%
substantial 3.75%
national 3.34%
private 2.82%
significant 2.57%
big 2.51%
postal 2.51%
potential 2.21%
high 2.21%
domestic + n. >>共 827
violence 7.67%
demand 4.51%
product 4.33%
market 4.30%
flight 2.68%
investor 2.14%
economy 1.88%
issue 1.68%
politics 1.66%
policy 1.65%
saving 0.45%
每页显示:    共 79