61.   Learning that his course had high levels of Agent Orange, used as a weedkiller, doctors ordered him to knock off the ball-licking.

62.   Motorola Inc. is betting that the sale of its Emtek Healthcare division is just what the doctor ordered.

63.   Not exactly what the doctor ordered.

64.   Nurses visited Sheila at home and supervised the pain relief which doctors ordered.

65.   Not one will be just what the doctor ordered.

66.   On this issue, a pragmatist is just what the doctor ordered.

67.   Numerous studies have found that doctors order more tests and procedures when they have a financial interest in the equipment and clinics used to perform such services.

68.   Once, a doctor ordered the test on a lab order sheet without telling him.

69.   Patients also report a difference in the diagnostic tests that female doctors order.

70.   Patients from Eastern Europe and Russia sometimes get anxious when a doctor orders an X-ray.

n. + order >>共 718
judge 13.92%
court 13.08%
government 10.81%
authority 4.87%
official 4.72%
police 3.31%
doctor 2.62%
president 1.60%
leader 1.26%
magistrate 1.15%
doctor + v. >>共 546
say 19.87%
be 7.05%
tell 4.33%
have 2.64%
prescribe 1.68%
give 1.52%
find 1.52%
recommend 1.30%
use 1.18%
advise 1.17%
order 0.85%
每页显示:    共 174