61.   But the Muslim world was deeply divided, with some countries opposing the assault and others setting off protests by backing it.

62.   But the Muslim world was divided, with three countries voicing protest and others taking no position.

63.   But the Muslim world was divided, with two countries voicing protest and others taking no position.

64.   Countries used to divide the world into their friends and foes.

65.   He said the world was divided into optimists and pessimists.

66.   India says this would divide the world forever between nuclear haves and have-nots.

67.   It would divide the world forever between nuclear haves and have-nots.

68.   The advertising world is divided over nudity.

69.   The world is divided about a way out of the current standoff between Iraq and the United Nations.

70.   The world is more divided than ever on how to deal with the Serbs.

v. + world >>共 828
see 5.26%
change 4.96%
travel 4.88%
save 3.30%
lead 2.65%
enter 2.29%
create 1.79%
rid 1.65%
divide 1.41%
tour 1.37%
divide + n. >>共 1107
country 5.25%
time 4.99%
analyst 2.25%
opinion 1.97%
city 1.93%
expert 1.76%
money 1.66%
nation 1.61%
party 1.61%
people 1.40%
world 1.34%
每页显示:    共 71