61.   Parliamentary speaker Akbar Tandjung on Saturday warned Wahid not to dissolve parliament.

62.   Plavsic dissolved the parliament in July in an effort to dislodge his backers, but they have continued to defy her.

63.   Plavsic issued the decree dissolving parliament Thursday, but allies of wartime leader Karadzic, who dominate the lawmaking body, refused to recognize the move.

64.   Plavsic wrote to Bosnian Serb parliament Speaker Dragan Kalenic for an opinion about dissolving parliament.

65.   Plavsic dissolved the parliament in July to dislodge his backers, but they have continued to defy her.

66.   Plavsic issued the decree dissolving parliament Thursday, but allies of Karadzic, who dominate the lawmaking body, refused to recognize the move, saying it was illegal.

67.   Plavsic won her first victory Tuesday when the Bosnian Serb Supreme Court ruled that she was within her rights to dissolve parliament.

68.   A decree issued after the emir dissolved parliament in May to grant women voting rights requires approval from the next parliament.

69.   A combative Boris Yeltsin raises the stakes Thursday in his conflict with lawmakers, threatening to dissolve the parliament if members continue to challenge his authority.

70.   A key question proposed by Lukashenko was the expansion of presidential powers to include the right to dissolve parliament.

v. + parliament >>共 226
dissolve 27.81%
address 6.29%
boycott 6.18%
disband 4.90%
tell 4.53%
dominate 3.20%
enter 2.29%
elect 2.18%
convene 2.18%
adjourn 1.70%
dissolve + n. >>共 302
parliament 35.44%
sugar 7.26%
legislature 3.26%
government 2.04%
partnership 1.83%
assembly 1.83%
gelatin 1.77%
clot 1.70%
union 1.70%
marriage 1.70%
每页显示:    共 519