61.   This honor was bestowed on Junger by People magazine, which he gamely accepted, and even discussed on an episode of Oprah.

62.   Two sheiks he and his entourage discussed on tape appear to be religious radicals whom the Saudi government has long feared and sometimes punished.

63.   What neither side could discuss on Wednesday was the underlying reason for prosecuting a man who had already passed through one murder trial and had been sentenced to die.

64.   When Biden was discussing the bill on the Senate floor Monday, Clinton interrupted him with a phone call to assess the trends.

65.   White House officials were said to be discussing on Tuesday whether they would appeal, an action many lawyers following the case expect them to take.

66.   White House officials were said to be discussing on Tuesday night whether they would seek an appeal, as many lawyers following the case expect they will do.

67.   Party officials said the New Movement proposal will be discussed on Sunday.

68.   President Mohammad Khatami and Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah discussed on phone the crisis caused by the slump in oil prices, the official Islamic Republic News Agency reported Monday.

69.   A South Korean diplomat at the talks also said that a wide range of topics were discussed on the first day of the talks.

70.   After meeting later Sunday in Davos, Netanyahu and Arafat agreed to meet in Gaza on Thursday to discuss negotiations on outstanding issues.

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